About Compliance Monitoring

DCA is required to monitor projects for compliance with the requirements of IRC Section 42, the HOME regulations at 24 CFR Part 92, the representations set forth in the Final Allocation Application, the requirements stated in the applicable Qualified Allocation Plan, the requirements set forth in the respective program manuals, and as represented in all restrictive documents.  DCA also monitors a limited number of properties encumbered by FDIC (formerly Resolution Trust Corp.) restrictions.  Although DCA is responsible for monitoring the Owners’ compliance with these rules, regulations, and restrictions, this responsibility does not make DCA liable for an Owners’ noncompliance.

This site will provide information regarding compliance policies and processes, compliance audit forms and manuals, how to request changes such as ownership, ownership interests, amenities and Qualified Contracts. 

Submit a Resident Concern

Residents of a DCA program or concerned citizens can notify DCA of a violation of our program compliance rules. Read through the applicable information before filling out the online form.

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LIHTC & HOME Compliance Manual

The updated LIHTC & HOME Compliance Manual is officially here!  The manual is effective as of March 11th, 2024.  For a quick look at the updates made to this version, you can click "Updates in This Edition" within the Table of Contents in the manual.  Upcoming training for the LIHTC & HOME Compliance Manual, along with other compliance topics, can be found under Compliance Training. To keep up with the latest and greatest information from the Office of Portfolio Management (OPM), sign up for the monthly blast.

2023 AOC Past Due: March 1, 2024

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Monitoring Regulations require all owners of low-income housing tax credit projects in Georgia to submit an owner certification to DCA annually. While some project owners have finished claiming their credit, all owners must continue to complete the AOC. Pursuant to the HOME Investment Partnerships Act at title II of the Cranston-Gonzales National Affordable Housing Act as amended, 42, U.S.C. 12701 et seq. and as required by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the AOC must be completed for each calendar year during the period of affordability.


Compliance Monitoring

cover photo of the 2023 annual report

2023 Annual Impact Report