AmeriCorps VISTA

Since 1965, AmeriCorps VISTA members have been bringing their passion and perseverance where the need is greatest: to organizations that help eradicate poverty. The most pressing challenges we face as a nation require the most courageous and creative people to address them. AmeriCorps VISTA members serve as a catalysts for change, living and working alongside community members to advance local solutions.
The AmeriCorps VISTA mission is to strengthen organizations that alleviate poverty through volunteering and the mobilization of resources. A VISTA member serves for one year and may be assigned to a non-profit, governmental or education institution. VISTA Service Members are placed at organizations in order to build capacity for that organization and the larger community(ies) to help bring individuals and communities out of poverty. VISTA assignments focus on “in-direct” service activities that are designed to enhance the capacity of the entity where they are assigned.
Georgia Balance of State Continuum of Care Coordinated Entry System VISTA Project
The Georgia Balance of State Continuum of Care Coordinated Entry System (BoS CoC CES) VISTA project will reduce poverty by addressing issues related to homelessness. The project will improve and expand the Georgia BoS CoC CES by developing a strategic plan, based on identified agency and community needs, to successfully address individual, family, and youth homelessness. Coordinated entry is a HUD (Housing and Urban Development) mandated system through which individuals and families experiencing homelessness are matched with appropriate housing and service interventions.
The VISTA project will have an integral role in expanding the BoS CES throughout Georgia. The CES serves individuals and families experiencing homelessness, chronic homelessness or who are at risk of becoming homeless. The CES will eventually include 152 of Georgia’s 159 counties, with a majority of those counties classified as rural. The CES VISTA project will contribute to strategic planning, development, data collection and management associated with the CES implementation. BoS CoC CES VISTA members will work primarily with local partners to increase the capacity, collaboration, and effectiveness of regional coordinated entry systems.
Meet the BoS CoC CES VISTA Members
Bios coming soon:
- Destiny Hankerson, Safe Harbor- Glynn County
- Nikia Allen, Safe Harbor- Glynn County
Recruitment Update
The BoS CoC Coordinated Entry VISTA Project is always recruiting.
Current opportunities are posted below:
- Houston County recruitment opportunity
- Bryan County recruitment opportunity
- Bartow County recruitment opportunity
- Camden County recruitment opportunity
- Atlanta (Dekalb County) recruitment opportunity
If you would like someone to contact you about any of the opportunities listed above, please complete this quick google form.
Upcoming Events
There are no upcoming event at this time.