If you are a tenant or landlord in need of emergency rental or utility assistance due to the COVID-19 pandemic, please visit Georgia Rental Assistance (ga.gov) to place your request.

Request for DCA Records

If you are making a request for DCA records, please submit your open records request online using GovQA.

Tracking Your Request

Through GovQA, you will be prompted to create an account on GovQA to track, monitor, and update your public records requests.

Communication through GovQA

You will receive notification emails from GovQA for status updates, clarifications, and invoicing. All records and communications from the agency may be accessed in your GovQA account.


GORA, Records Management Office

Copying Records According to GORA

Pursuant to the Georgia Open Records Act, all public records are available for inspection and copying unless they are specifically exempted from disclosure under the law.  A request to inspect or copy records may be made either orally or in writing; however, for purposes of documenting and clarifying the scope and timing of the request, it is DCA's strong preference that requests are made in writing via GovQA.

Costs for Files

As provided under O.C.G.A. §50-18-70, DCA may assess an hourly charge for administrative and clerical tasks related to the search, retrieval, review, redaction, and preparation of the agency's records. The DCA charges the prorated hourly salary of the lowest-paid full-time employee with the access and training to perform the request; this is not necessarily the prorated salary of the person who resolves the request. There is no charge for the first quarter-hour of time expended in record preparation.  

Paper copies and scanning from paper to electronic format are .10 a page. There is no charge for files already in digital format unless the DCA provides storage media. Certified copies will incur a specific fee. 

DCA will provide the requestor with an invoice detailing the cost of providing access to the requested records. Upon the requestor's acceptance of costs, DCA will provide the requested records.  Pre-payment is required for charges over $500.

Payment options are limited to checks and certified money orders.