Emergency Solutions Grants Competition FAQs

  • Can an agency limit the population they serve?

    Yes, agencies the ESG Program does allow agencies to serve targeted populations as long as the targeted population is experiencing homelessness or at-risk of becoming homeless. Targeted populations could include but not limited to:

    • Single Women
    • Single Men 
    • Women and Children
    • Youth
    • Veterans
    • Families
    • Persons experiencing Domestic Violence
  • When are the Emergency Shelter Local Government Approval and Certification of Consistency with Local Consolidated Plan forms due?

    Both forms are due on or by Tuesday, May 11, 2025.

  • Who do I contact to complete the Local Government Approval and Certification of Consistency with Local Consolidated Plan forms?

    The contact information for each jurisdiction can be found in the 2025 ESG Application Manual (Guidelines). If you cannot reach the jurisdiction(s), please contact Tiffany Bowers-Weller.

  • When are the organizational documents due?

    Organizational documents and applications are due on Friday, April 25, 2025, at 5:00 pm.

  • What do I upload if a document is not needed for my organization?

    First, double check to ensure the document is not needed by your organization. Once confirmed, if not needed, upload a document with the statement, “N/A, not required for this organization due…”

  • Who completes the ESG Minimum Habitability Standards for Emergency Shelter: Checklist?

    Staff from your agency or a hired company by your agency, such as a city department that is designated to conduct inspections, or a contractor hired for that task.

  • Does my 501(c)3 status need to be active for two full years to be eligible for ESG?


  • Does DCA require municipality’s Financial Procedures and Financial Statements? Or should the department applying for ESG funding create a separate set of Financial Procedures pertaining to administering ESG?

    The department applying for ESG funding should not create a separate set of Financial Procedures. The general financial procedures for the municipal will be sufficient.

  • Should a Certification of Consistency with the Local Consolidated Plan form be completed if services will be provided in Balance of State (BoS) counties?

    Yes, select the “Not Applicable for Balance of State” and upload.

  • Who do I contact with questions about the application(s)?

    Questions about the application process can only be answered on the Q and A webinars. If you have technical questions, you can email those questions to the contacts below.


  • Who is required to submit a Data Quality Report (DQR) and Consolidated Annual Performance Report (CAPER)?

    Agencies who are currently (October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2025) awarded with DCA ESG funds.

  • Who do I contact if I’m having challenges with running the DQR and/or CAPER?
  • Are both the DQR and CAPER required to be submitted?

    Yes, both reports are due for current awarded DCA ESG sub-grantees.

  • Can an agency sub-award to other agencies?

    Certainly, organizations that receive DCA ESG funds are permitted to sub-contract with other agencies. This information must be included in their application responses. Agencies engaging in sub-awarding are accountable for expending all funds by the conclusion of the contract period.

  • When will the ESG competition open?

    The ESG competition will open on Monday, March 31, 2025, and will close at 5:00 pm on Friday, April 25, 2025.

  • Can I mail my application(s) to DCA?

    No, all applications are submitted electronically through eCivis.

  • Where can I find the required documents to be uploaded in the applications?

    The required documents are posted on DCA’s website. The documents will also be attached to the applications once opened on Monday, March 31, 2025. 

    To access the required forms on the website click here.

  • Does the ESG Program require a match?

    Yes, the ESG Program requires a 100% match. Example: if requesting $150,000 for Rapid Re-Housing, the agency must have $150,000 to match the request (cash and/or in-kind match).

  • What is an in-kind match?

    “In-kind match (also called noncash match), which is the value of any real property, equipment, goods, services, or donated building contributed by the recipient or subrecipient's ESG project, provided that, if the contribution had been paid for with ESG funds, the cost would have been allowable.”

  • What if our agency is not using the Georgia HMIS or the Georgia DV Comparable Database? Can we still apply?

    Yes, your agency can apply for the ESG Program if you are not currently funded. However, if awarded, the agency must use the Georgia HMIS or the Georgia DV Comparable Database. There are no exceptions.

  • When will the awards be announced?

    Awards will be announced in August on the DCA website, and an email will be sent to the FFY25 DCA ESG listserv.

  • Does our agency have to attend an ESG Program application workshop?

    No, however, it is strongly encouraged. 

  • Does our agency have to attend the ESG Program Q and A webinars?

    No, however, it is strongly encouraged. This is due to questions about the application process can only be answered on the Q and A webinars.

  • How do I know if our agency is in the Balance of State (BoS) CoC?

    If your agency is not located in the listed Georgia CoCs below, your agency is in the BoS CoC:

    1. Athens-Clarke County CoC
    2. Augusta-Richmond County CoC
    3. Chatham County – Savannah CoC
    4. City of Atlanta CoC
    5. Cobb County CoC
    6. Columbus-Muscogee County CoC
    7. DeKalb County CoC
    8. Fulton County CoC
  • If our agency plans to serve more than one jurisdiction with the ESG funds. Do we have to submit a Certification of Consistency with Local Consolidated Plan form from each jurisdiction.


  • Are organizational documents required if our agency applied for the last ESG competition?

    Yes, all agencies applying for the ESG Program competition are required to submit all organizational documents including currently funded agencies. 

  • Who is eligible for DCA ESG Funding?
    • Local or regional entities; including nonprofits (secular and faith-based), local governments, local government entities (community service boards, etc.) and authorities, community action agencies.
    • Nonprofit applicants for emergency shelter must receive approval of local government(s) where the project is located.
    • Nonprofit applicants, including religious organizations, must have 501(c)(3), provide programs in a manner free from religious influences, and meet threshold and ongoing viability standards established by DCA (as required by state law).
    • Subrecipient means a unit of general-purpose local government or private nonprofit organization to which a recipient makes available ESG fund. (24 CFR 576.2). As long as an organization meets the criteria in the definition of 'private nonprofit,' included below, an ESG recipient may subgrant to this organization. Under the ESG Program Interim Rule, private nonprofit organization means a private nonprofit organization that is a secular or religious organization described in section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and which is exempt from taxation under subtitle A of the Code, has an accounting system and a voluntary board, and practices nondiscrimination in the provision of assistance. (24 CFR 576.2). Therefore, if the organization qualifies as a tax exempt 501(c)(19) organization, has an accounting system and a voluntary board, and practices nondiscrimination in the provision of assistance, it would be an eligible subrecipient. Please also note that the IRS sometimes recognizes a group of organizations as tax-exempt if they are affiliated with a central organization. If this organization is a subordinate controlled by a central organization (for example, a church, a veterans' organization, or a fraternal organization), you should check with the central organization to see if it has been issued a group exemption letter that covers this organization.
  • What projects fall under the Department of Community Affairs Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program?
    • Emergency Shelter
    • Supportive/Essential Services (Case Management, Childcare, Transportation)
    • Homelessness Prevention
    • Rapid Re-Housing
    • Street Outreach
    • Hotel/Motel Vouchers

  • What is the length of the Department of Community Affairs Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) grant contract?

    The DCA ESG grant contract period starts on October 1st each year and ends on September 30th of the following year.

  • Is the Department of Community Affairs Emergency Solutions Program a reimbursable grant?

    Yes, the Department of Community Affairs Emergency Solutions Grants Program is a reimbursable grant. 

  • Can private nonprofits receive Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program funding?

    Yes, private nonprofit organizations are eligible for ESG funding. A private nonprofit is defined as a secular or religious organization described in section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, exempt from taxation under subtitle A of the Code, with an accounting system, a voluntary board, and a policy of nondiscrimination in providing assistance (24 CFR 576.2). Therefore, an organization that qualifies as a tax-exempt 501(c)(19) organization, maintains an accounting system and a voluntary board, and practices nondiscrimination would be considered an eligible subrecipient.