Historic Contexts
Historic context statements provide important information and resources for preservationists, historians, planners, and the general public about topically related historic resources.
Context Reports include sections on a broad history of the topic for a particular time period; a framework for the identification of historic resource types and themes within the historical topic that contextualizes properties within the state’s broader history; and guidance on how to evaluate resources for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places.
All historic context statements that have been reviewed by the HPD and conform to programmatic requirements have been added to the official collection and can be accessed at the HPD library. Some of these reviewed and approved context statements available digitally below.
Digital Context Statements
African American Resources
Historic Black Resources
African-American Historic Places and Culture: A Preservation Resource Guide
Georgia's Full Story
Agriculture (farms, barns, outbuildings, and agricultural landscapes)
Atlanta LGBTQ+ History
Community planning
Downtown Development
Atlanta Postwar Housing, 1944-1965
Georgia's Living Places
The Ranch House in Georgia
Single-Family Residential Development in DeKalb County, Georgia 1945-1970
Building Types for Schools in Georgia
Public Elementary and Secondary Schools in Georgia, 1868-1971
Rosenwald Schools in Georgia, 1912-1937
Georgia's Railroads: Historic Context and Statewide Survey (1833-2015)
Historic Context of the Interstate Highway System in Georgia
Women’s History (Regional and Local Historic Contexts)
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