HPD Online Portal - National Register
Steps of Nomination - Step 2: Federal Application Forms
In Georgia, we encourage property owners and/or nomination sponsors to send in the Preliminary Eligibility Application before continuing to this step of the process (for more information, please see Step 1). If the historic property appears to be eligible for listing in the National Register, our staff will send a letter encouraging you to complete a National Register of Historic Places Registration Form (10-900), using the appropriate packet described below.
The Packet for Nominating Individual Resources to the National Register of Historic Places is used to document an individual building, site, structure, or object (ex: a house, church, depot, school, cemetery, bridge, monument, etc.). It can also be used to document a small complex of related historic properties (ex: church and cemetery; house and garden; courthouse and jail; farmhouse and outbuildings).
The Packet for Nominating Historic Districts to the National Register of Historic Places is used to document a historic district or number of related historic properties (ex. residential neighborhood; downtown commercial area; entire city; college campuses; large farms with outbuildings, tenant houses, and agricultural fields).
The packets were developed by HPD’s National Register staff to best facilitate successful nominations and expedite the nomination process. Please read and follow ALL directions in the packets. The packets provide a step-by-step outline and guidance on how to fill out the
and the information needed to document a property to HPD and National Register standards, including:
- What is needed for written documentation in the 10-900 (the description, history, and significance sections)
- What is needed for supporting documentation (photographs, maps, floor plans, site plans, photocopies of historical research).
- Identification and contact information of property owners and/or sponsors of the nomination.
Anyone can complete a packet. In Georgia, a majority of proposed nominations are written by the property owner or a sponsoring organization. Sponsors may be a local historical society, neighborhood association, volunteer, historic preservation commission, or another interested party. A professional consultant can be hired to prepare your nomination also. HPD’s website offers a directory of preservation consultants.
This is academic-level documentation that will be sent to the NPS, and serve as a permanent record of the property or district in HPD files. Please prepare it keeping in mind that it is a scholarly document.
HPD Online Portal - National Register
There is no cost or fee to submit a National Register nomination to HPD. Please save resources and do not mail nomination materials in plastic page covers and/or binders of any kind. Please do not mount photographs on paper or send them in plastic sleeves. Please keep the packaging and formatting simple and recyclable. Any oversized maps may be neatly folded and included with the other materials.
National Register: Nomination Process Steps
National Register: Nomination Process Steps
National Register Nomination Process in Georgia - Forms
National Register Nomination Process in Georgia - Forms