Research and Documentation Tools

The Georgia Historic Preservation Division has developed a series of helpful guides to assist in identifying and documenting historic resources in Georgia. 


Historic Resource Surveys & GNAHRGIS:

Historic resources surveys collect and record information about extant historic resources., usually on a county-wide, community-wide, or neighborhood-wide basis. City or county governments generally undertake surveys for their communities as a first step in documenting historic resources for planning purposes.

In Georgia, the survey data is entered into an online database known as GNAHRGIS (Georgia’s Natural, Archaeological, and Historic Resources Geographic Information System), which maps the surveyed resources.

Download this pdf file. How to Conduct Survey Research in GNAHRGIS

Statewide Historic Contexts

A number of statewide historic context studies are available for Georgia’s historic resources.


National Register of Historic Places Program


Environmental Review


Historic Resources Survey Program Coordinator

Physical survey files at the DCA office are open to researchers by appointment only from 11am-3pm on the second Tuesday of the month. Please contact the Survey Coordinator to set up an appointment. Appointments must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Digitized records are available in GNAHRGIS.