Steps of Nomination - Step 4: Additional Reviews, Site Visits
Additional Information Review
For the majority of proposed nominations, we request additional information to document the property to HPD and National Register standards. Additional information is logged upon receipt at HPD and is reviewed by HPD's National Register staff, generally within 60 days.
After our in-house review, we notify the property owner(s) and/or sponsors of the result in writing.
There are three possible outcomes:
- The property is fully documented to HPD and National Register standards and the property appears to be eligible for listing in the National Register. The proposed nomination moves to the next step in the process.
- The property is still not fully documented but appears to be eligible for listing. We will send another letter requesting additional information and provide guidance on what is needed, why it is needed, and suggestions for finding the information. Again, it is the responsibility of the property owner/sponsor to provide the additional information. The proposed nomination is put “on hold” in our office until we receive the requested information. There is no deadline or expiration date, and proposed nominations are retained in our files permanently.
- We determine that the property is not eligible for listing in the National Register. In this case, we will send a letter explaining the basis for our decision. If you want to appeal our decision to the Keeper of the National Register, the appeals process is available online in the Code of Federal Regulations (36 CFR 60.12).
Site Visits
For historic district nominations and occasional proposed individual properties, HPD staff may request a site visit. In some cases, we may need to see the property first-hand to determine if it is eligible for listing in the National Register. In other cases, we may need to see the extent of changes, additions, and/or alterations to the property. Though not common, in some cases, our architectural historians may need to crawl under the building or in the attic to determine a possible date of construction of a building.
For every district nomination, HPD staff visits the district to determine the final National Register boundaries and identify each parcel within the district as contributing, noncontributing, or vacant following the procedures in the National Park Service National Register Bulletins. We use the maps submitted by the sponsor as field maps and make changes when necessary.
In some cases, a site visit may provide new information or raise questions about a property that were not previously known or addressed in the submitted documentation. We will then send a letter to the property owner/sponsor requesting additional information and the nomination is put “on hold” until we receive the information.
Scheduling for Review Board
Once the property is fully documented to HPD and National Park Service standards, a letter is sent to the property owner/sponsor indicating that the documentation appears to meet the federally required standards and that the nomination will be scheduled for a Georgia National Register Review Board meeting, the next step in the state-level review.
Review board meetings are currently held twice a year in spring and fall (check our website for date, place, and time). Priority may be given to threatened or endangered properties, properties that are receiving tax incentives or grants, and properties associated with underrepresented groups.
Review Board hearing agendas are set three to four months in advance to accommodate the notification process required in the federal regulations governing the National Register (36 CFR 60), and public information meetings, as appropriate. When a proposed nomination is scheduled for a review board, we will notify the property owner and/or sponsor by letter.