Environmental Review: Transportation

Under a cooperative agreement with the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT), the Historic Preservation Division (HPD) staff provides technical assistance, conducts site visits, and reviews projects to ensure compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, which applies to all federally funded, assisted or licensed undertakings. All projects are handled through the GDOT Office of Environmental Services.

Transportation Enhancement Projects

Section 106 Worksheet

To submit a project, submit your completed Section 106 Worksheet to TE/CMAQ Projects.

The Transportation Enhancement (TE) program, which is funded by the Federal Highway Administration, through GDOT, was originally established in 1991 by the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA), reauthorized in 1998 as the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) and in 2005 as Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU).

The goal of this program is to enrich the traveling public's experience through enhancements to our nation's transportation system.

TE funds directly impact historic preservation by providing funding to:

  • Develop cultural resource plans for archaeology and historic preservation
  • Revitalize historic downtown commercial districts
  • Preserve historic roadways and railroad corridors
  • Rehabilitate transportation facilities for public adaptive use, such as museums.

TE funds from the Federal Highway Administration reimburse sponsors up to 80 percent of a project's total cost, with at least a 20 percent match provided by the project sponsor. Individual projects can receive a maximum of $1 million. GDOT’s Office of Program Delivery manages the TE program in Georgia.

Emailed and Hard-Copy Submissions

All hard-copy submissions should be sent to the attention of Jeanne Kerney to the address below.

All email submissions should be sent to the email below with:

  • the County,
  • PI No., and
  • document type indicated in the subject line.

External links