Program Update: All state and federal tax incentives applications must be submitted digitally. Neither NPS nor HPD are able to  accept any applications or amendments in physical form.  Additional information about how to submit these applications can be found in the documents and downloads section for State Tax Incentives. 

State tax incentives are available for owners of a historic property who carry out a substantial rehabilitation. All properties must be listed in, or eligible for, the National/Georgia Register of Historic Places, either individually or as part of a National/Georgia Register Historic District.

Project work must meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and the Georgia Department of Community Affairs Standards for Rehabilitation.

Important things to note before continuing:

  • Properties are eligible to participate in both programs.
  • Property must be a “certified structure," which means it must be listed in the National/Georgia Register(s) of Historic Places. The Historic Preservation Division must certify the rehabilitation.
  • Projects that are initially submitted substantially complete or that do not comply with DCA’s conditions included in our project review letter may preclude use of tax incentives.

Check out the map of recent state tax incentives projects!

The Georgia Department of Revenue (DOR) has statutory responsibility for the associated regulation, Revenue Regulation 560-7-8-.56.  DOR has approved new rules which incorporate the changes made by HB 469 . To receive notice regarding future DOR changes to their income tax credit regulation please join DOR’s income and withholding listserve at the link below.