About the Rural Downtown Redevelopment Grant Program

This program is no longer accepting applications.  Awards for this one-time funding were made in June 2022.

Throughout the state, particularly in rural areas, the downtown area is traditionally the heartbeat of the community.  As DCA’s mission is to help build strong, vibrant communities, the intersection between the needs of the community and the mission of the Department provides a unique opportunity for the community and the agency to partner in this endeavor.  As one-time funding has been appropriated by the General Assembly for this purpose, DCA will move rapidly to solicit applications, review those submitted, and announce funding awards before the end of state fiscal year 2022. DCA’s intent is to provide a broad framework by which communities can define projects that they deem transformative.  However, DCA does not intend to make awards to applicants that are not ready to proceed, seek funding for operational costs, or have projects contingent upon other funding at the time of application. 

DCA’s commitment is to provide communities with financial resources to help implement those transformative downtown projects that would not take place at this time without state assistance.  While transformation means different things in different communities, for the purposes of this grant, DCA is seeking applications that will increase opportunities for private investment to be injected into areas of disinvestment, increase commerce within the downtown, facilitate additional visitors/shoppers/activities within the downtown space, address workforce development and/or downtown housing needs that contribute to the overall revitalization of the community.  The relationship between the community’s current state, the activities defined in the application and the outcomes anticipated from their implementation should be clearly documented.

For additional information regarding the requirements of the grant, see the Applicant Resources section below.


Kandace Lomax

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