HP: Additional Contact Information

Questions regarding the National Register of Historic Places.

 Questions regarding historic resources survey and GNAHRGIS.


Historic Resources Survey Program Coordinator

Physical survey files at the DCA office are open to researchers by appointment only from 11am-3pm on the second Tuesday of the month. Please contact the Survey Coordinator to set up an appointment. Appointments must be made at least 24 hours in advance. Digitized records are available in GNAHRGIS.

 Questions regarding review and compliance, including Section 106, Section 110, State Stewardship, and GEPA.

 Questions regarding historic preservation state and federal tax incentives.

 Questions regarding review and compliance specific to archaeological resources.

Questions regarding historic preservation grants.

Questions regarding Certified Local Governments, Preservation Planning, African American program, Centennial Farms, and preservation training and conferences.



Centennial Farms Award application questions can be directed to this email address.