Immediate Threat and Danger

The Immediate Threat and Danger Program provides 50% matching funds for community development activities having a particular urgency when existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community. Local funds must comprise at least 10% of project costs. Funding for this program comes from the state's annual Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. Applicants can apply for $50,000 and DCA reserves $200,000 for "major disasters."

Eligible applicants are units of general purpose local government, excluding metropolitan cities, urban counties, and units of government eligible to participate in the urban counties or metropolitan cities program of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

The ITAD Program is intended to address situations which are urgent and unique. These situations should typically occur due to state or federally declared disasters. These funds are not available for repairs of public infrastructure that are failing due age and lack of maintenance or the general “wear and tear” on existing infrastructure.

Some examples of urgent and unique problems include:

  • Acquisition of property located in a flood plain that was severely damaged by a recent flood
  • Demolition of structures that were severely damaged by a major earthquake or tornado

To be fundable, applications must address an event or situation having a particular urgency and uniqueness that adversely affects a community and its citizens and where other financial resources are not available to meet such needs. The event or situation must have a sense of urgency and be of recent origin or have recently become urgent. Recent origin is defined as a condition that developed or became critical within 18 months of application. Ample descriptions of the cause of the threat, and probable ramifications, must be provided.

Immediate Threat and Danger: Documents & Downloads