Rural Site Development Initiative

In order to remain competitive when speed to market is key, development-ready sites across Georgia must be continuously identified, assessed, and certified. The purpose of this program is to assist local communities with developing community-submitted sites critical to economic development across Georgia through the OneGeorgia Authority. Submitted sites will be vetted semi-annually by the Departments of Economic Development and Community Affairs to receive approval for funding. Approved sites will have various levels of funding matched by the communities based on the criteria listed below.

Site and Program Requirements

  • Applicant must be a development authority and site must be at least 50 contiguous acres.
  • One application per development authority per year; one application per site.
  • Site must be publicly owned at the time of application for a Site Improvement Grant or Survey and Due Diligence Grant. If the site is not publicly owned, the development authority must secure an option contract for the site for at least three (3) years following grant award.
  • Sites receiving Site Improvement Grant must commit to GRAD certification within one (1) year.
  • Sites receiving Survey and Due Diligence Grant must commit to GRAD certification within three (3) years

Community Match for Funds

  • Generally, eligible counties should provide at least a 10% match of grant amount.
  • Conditionally eligible counties must match a minimum of 25% of grant amount.

See OneGeorgia Authority Official Map of Eligible Counties

Grant Amounts and GRAD Partnership

Site Improvement Grant

Award Amount: Up to $2 Million

  • Existing GRAD sites are encouraged to apply for a Site Improvement Grant.

  • Sites that are not GRAD, but have all due diligence completed, may also be considered for this grant. These sites must pursue GRAD certification within 1 year.

Examples of Eligible Costs:

  • land acquisition (required, if site is privately owned) and expansion property

  • grading, clearing, and, grubbing

  • infrastructure development

  • access roadways

  • acceleration/deceleration turn lanes

  • water/sewer line construction or relocation

  • engineering or other fees required for site development plans

Survey and Due Diligence Grant (GRAD Scholarship)

Award Amount: Up to $250,000

  • This grant offers a pathway to GRAD certification for communities that may have monetary constraints. Therefore, sites that receive this grant will be required to pursue GRAD certification within 3 years.

Examples of Eligible Costs:

  • due diligence studies

  • utility surveys

  • boundary surveys

  • easements 

  • cost for GRAD certification requirements