August 15, 2023

Notice of Public Hearing Georgia Housing and Finance Authority

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Georgia Housing and Finance Authority will hold a public hearing at 10:00 a.m., August 31, 2023, at its principal office located at 60 Executive Park South, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30329 in Room 202, 2nd  floor, or such other room as noted outside Room 202 at the time of the hearing. The purpose of the hearing is to provide an opportunity for public comment on the proposed plan of financing involving the sale and issuance of up to and including Two Hundred Fifty Million Dollars ($250,000,000) of qualified mortgage revenue bonds from January 1, 2024 through February 15, 2025. The bonds may be sold in one or more series, on one or more dates and each series may consist of one or more subseries.

The plan of financing for the bonds shall (a) make available monies to finance qualified single- family residential mortgage loans to eligible persons and families for the acquisition of owner-occupied dwellings within the State of Georgia, (b) to establish necessary funds, reserves and accounts, (c) if market conditions are suitable, to refund certain of the Authority’s bonds, notes and/or obligations, and (d) to pay for costs of issuance.

Proceeds made available as a result of the plan of financing will be available to finance mortgage loans statewide. The bonds issued by the Georgia Housing and Finance Authority will not constitute a debt of the State or a pledge of the faith or the credit of the State of Georgia but shall be payable solely as provided in the Resolution or Resolutions authorizing the issue, and the issuance of such bonds shall not directly or indirectly obligate the State to levy or pledge any form of taxation or to make any appropriation for repayment of such bonds.

Oral and written comments are solicited. Written comments must be delivered to and received by the Georgia Housing and Finance Authority at the aforementioned address no later than 11:00 a.m., August 31, 2023.

The Georgia Department of Community Affairs, the administrator of the programs for the Georgia Housing and Finance Authority, is committed to providing all persons with equal access to its services, programs, activities, education, and employment regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, disability, or age. For a reasonable accommodation, please contact [email protected].

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