The Carl Vinson Institute of Government (CVIOG) has been certified as the training entity for Regional Industrial Development Authority (RIDA) members. The Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) recently certified CVIOG to train new authority members through the year 2024. Training for Regional Industrial Development Authorities will include elements of development authority law, financing & deal structuring, project development, project management, and case studies relevant to economic development within Georgia.  Courses will be developed and available for potential counties by spring 2023.

“The Carl Vinson Institute of Government understands the issues affecting economic development and development authorities within the state,” said DCA Commissioner Christopher Nunn.  “Their track record of delivering quality training serves to benefit members of Regional Industrial Development Authorities.”

A jointly-owned industrial park must be owned by the authority’s member counties in order to reap the benefits from having such authorities.  Upon locating or expanding a facility within one of the jointly-owned parks, businesses would be able to utilize the most advantageous job tax credit tier afforded to any of the participating counties.

Regional Industrial Development Authorities were authorized by the Georgia General Assembly during the 2022 legislative session, but do not replace any existing authority.

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