April 18, 2022

AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) Concept Proposals

One of the programs of AmeriCorps, AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC), is a full-time, residential, national service program whose mission is to strengthen communities and develop leaders through direct, team- based national and community service. AmeriCorps NCCC teams are assigned 3-6 service projects throughout their 10-month service term, primarily in the states or territories within their region. Service projects help to meet critical community needs in the areas of natural and other disasters, infrastructure improvement, environmental stewardship and conservation, energy conservation, and urban and rural development. Teams are available to support community and faith-based based organizations, national nonprofits, schools, local-, regional-, and federal municipalities, and national and state parks.

Throughout AmeriCorps NCCC’s history, teams have assisted communities in preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery from the effects of natural disasters; constructed and rehabilitated low-income housing; built and repaired trails; led and managed community volunteers; installed energy efficient modifications to homes, businesses and public facilities; and addressed many other local needs. 

If you or an organization would be interested in sponsoring an NCCC team for Round 1 projects (these are projects between Aug. 11 to Oct. 11), please submit the Project Concept Form (PCF) to Joel Barsky by Thursday, April 21st. See the attachments that include: (1) the Request for Proposals, (2) the PCF, and (3) the instructions on completing the PCF. Once the PCF is completed, it may be emailed back to Joel (see contact info below).

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