FAQs: Porting into DCA

  • Who do I contact in order to request a transfer?

    Contact your initial Housing Authority (HA). Once DCA has received your portability packet we will contact you via email to complete the required documents. 

  • Who does my initial Housing Authority send the paperwork to?

    Please have your information forwarded to the following address.

  • How long is the port-in process?

    The family will have the voucher term to complete the portability process which will include voucher issuance and search time. 

  • Are we accepting or absorbing voucher holders from other areas?

    The DCA HCV Program will accept Port-Ins. Effective April 1, 2025, DCA will begin billing.

  • What required information will be needed in order to transfer or port?

    Required information will include:

    • Current voucher
    • 52665 Form
    • 50058 Form
    • Birth certificate(s)
    • Income verification
    • Other tangible documents to support tenant status

    Please note that contact information should be present and up-to-date in order that the port family can be contacted as deemed necessary. 

  • What can I do to expedite the port process?

    Please provide the county for which you have located a unit, as well as your contact information (i.e., email, address, and phone number).

  • Is there a fee involved in the porting process?


  • If I need an extension of time, who do I contact?

    We are allowed to issue a 30- day extension from the expiration date of the initial housing authority.

  • If I experience a setback during the process of transferring, who do I contact?

    You must contact your initial HA to inform them of the setback and seek their advice for proper action. 

  • If I am undecided about where to relocate in Georgia, what should I do?

    You must first decide on your (Georgia) county of choice and make sure it is one which is served by our agency. Please review DCA’s jurisdiction map below.

    HAD Regional Office Coverage Map effective from September 2019
  • How long is allowed to seek and find safe, decent and affordable housing?

    The voucher term regardless of jurisdiction if you have a voucher that allows portability. It is the initial housing authority’s policies that govern any allowable move. 

  • Is there any priority given to special populations when porting?

    If you have any requests for reasonable accommodation, please notify your housing specialist during the application process. 

  • Does DCA offer the homeownership program for HCV participants porting into your area?

    Yes, homeownership is available to tenants in the HCV program. 

  • Are there ways to identify available HCV properties?

    Yes. If you have internet access, please go to the Georgia Housing Search website and follow prompts leading you to ‘Rental Assistance’ or your desired information. The site provides up-to-date information on HCV and affordable housing units across the state. To further attract voucher holders or interested renters, a landlord might wish to advertise available property in the local or regional newspapers, flyers, bulletin boards, etc. 

  • Do I qualify for the same number of bedrooms that I have at my initial Housing Authority?

    The subsidy standards are set by the receiving housing authority, and therefore the bedroom size is determined by our agency. It is possible to receive a larger or smaller bedroom size. 

  • How much will my voucher be worth?

    This will be determined at your initial briefing with us. Please note that Payment Standards are different across the United States. Where you are currently the Payment Standards might be higher or lower than DCA’s Payment Standard.