2025 Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Application FAQs

  • We have ten residents with tenant-based vouchers. Can we convert them to PBV if we are awarded vouchers?

    No. The tenant will have to forfeit their tenant-based voucher and agree to the terms of the project-based voucher program.

  • Do we still need to submit a copy of the DCA/BHA MOU? You acknowledge that the MOU with Brunswick has been signed. Do we still need to submit a copy?

    No. We ask that you check with your local PHA to ensure that an MOU is active with DCA. DCA maintains copies of all active MOUs.

  • Can a PHA apply for the PBV through your program or can a developer working with the PHA apply?

    Yes. This can proceed if an established Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is in place.

  • If we apply for 60 PBVs but have only 40 units filled by the April 18 submission deadline, how would we score on Question 1 on page 10? If we can prove we have a waiting list of qualified tenants, does that count?

    We will consider awarding up to 30 points; however, this is contingent upon scoring within the designated scoring criteria.

  • If we can fill all 60 units and ask for 60 project-based vouchers, do our residents have to move out and then move back in if we are awarded the PBVs?

    Here is guidance from our Administrative Plan:

    In-Place Families [24 CFR 983.251(b)]
    An eligible family residing in a proposed PBV contract unit on the date the proposal is selected by the PHA is considered an "in-place family." These families are protected from displacement under PBV regulations.

    If a unit being placed under contract (e.g., a unit requiring rehabilitation) is occupied by an eligible family at the time of selection, the in-place family must be placed on the PHA’s waiting list. Once the family’s continued eligibility is determined (subject to denial per 24 CFR 982.552 and 982.553), the family must be given an absolute selection preference and referred to the project owner for an appropriately sized PBV unit in the project.

    Admission of eligible in-place families is not subject to income targeting requirements. However, this regulatory protection does not apply to families that are not eligible to participate in the program on the proposal selection date.

  • If we are awarded the PBVs by DCA, can the Housing Authority refuse to give them to us? Can they use them for another project or for themselves?

    The partner Housing Authority must approve any PBV placement in their jurisdiction. 

  • Who will administer the payments?

    DCA will handle the HAP disbursements.

  • How long are PBVs awarded for?

    For existing properties, HAP contracts can be extended for up to 5 years, with the option for two additional 5-year renewals if the property continues to meet compliance requirements.

    For new construction properties, DCA can enter an AHAP to commit to a 15-year HAP.

  • I would like to know more about this program. Is this for families looking for assistance to help with housing? I do not understand what the project-based program is about.

    The Project-Based Voucher program is tied to a specific building or property. Unlike the regular Housing Choice Voucher, where participants can use the voucher to rent from any participating landlord, the Project-Based Voucher is limited to specific properties that are part of the program. If you qualify, you will need to live in one of the designated units.

  • Question about making an open waiting list and if we would be able to conduct our own open lottery in accordance with DCA guidelines? Also, do we need to obtain MOU if we move forward with open waiting list?

    All properties must have an MOU with DCA to operate their own waitlists.

  • How does competitive scoring work for non-LIHTC properties, and what factors weigh the most in final selections?

    Competitive Scoring Criteria 

    1. Immediate Occupancy/Availability

    Up to 40 Points

    Property StatusPoints
    Properties that can lease in place and confirm tenant eligibility40
    Properties that have just placed in service and have never been occupied20
    All other properties0
    • If properties choose to lease in place, they must include a summary of selected units and provide a completed initial eligibility packet for the households in each proposed PBV unit.
    • If properties have recently placed in service or plan to place in service within the next 3-6 months, they must provide a certificate of occupancy or documentation confirming coordination with the municipality for inspections to issue a certificate of occupancy.
    • Note: Per 24 CFR 983, DCA will not make awards to any properties still under construction and will not finalize any HAP contract without a certificate of occupancy.
    1. Project Size

    Up to 20 Points

    PBV Request (% of total units)Points
    50% or more20
    • If properties request PBVs for more than 25% of their units, they must provide on-site supportive services, which DCA will monitor for compliance.
    • DCA will evaluate how the number of PBVs on the property impacts deconcentrating poverty goals.
    • Evaluation of Supportive Services:
      • DCA will assess the quality of planned or existing on-site supportive services if properties request PBVs beyond the project cap.
      • Supportive services may include housing case management, eviction prevention, employment assistance, childcare services, behavioral health services, healthcare, or other services promoting housing stability and economic security.
      • Resident coordinators, security, or other typical property management functions are not considered supportive services.

    Documentation Requirements for Supportive Services

    • A summary of services and how they uniquely benefit property residents, particularly those on DCA’s HCV waitlist who are extremely low income.
    • Service contracts or agreements.
    • A staffing plan, including staff resumes and a commitment to conduct background checks for service provider staff.
    • A services financing plan demonstrating funding for the services throughout the PBV contract term.
  • What specific financial feasibility documents are required for non-LIHTC properties, and is there a preferred format/template?
  • Does DCA provide guidance on completing the Rent Reasonableness/Rent Comparison Study, or do applicants need to hire a consultant?

    DCA conducts its own Rent Reasonableness/Rent Comparison Study.

  • Waitlist Management - For an existing property applying for PBV, do we have to have this waitlist ready to submit with this application?

    We need to know if you plan to operate a general or referral based waitlist. If you plan to operate a referral based waitlist, we need to know which non-profit referral partners you intend to work with and we need the required documentation to determine the active status of those non-profit partners. 

  • Site and Neighborhood Standards - Do we or can we provide the scoring section of the tax credit application to show the requested information in the boxes and pull any additional information from the tax credit application if that will suffice?

    You are welcome to pull information from the tax credit application for this section; however, we encourage you to make it clear how the information provided meets each criteria. 

  • Is the appendix C necessary for a project submission from 2018? Fillable forms 18 & HUD - 52517?

    Yes. As mentioned in the application, you do not have to complete the tenant information on the form, but you do need to complete the property/unit information for each unit type you are requesting to project base. 

  • Can you use the Energy Consumption Model for utility allowances in the DCA PBV rent setting or do we have to use the DCA published utility allowances?

    Properties must use DCA published utility allowances. 

  • Do we need to submit the MOU documentation if the housing authority is already listed above?

    We request that properties demonstrate that they have coordinated with their local housing authority partner if we are to project-base in a jurisdiction that is not DCA’s. 

  • In the “immediate occupancy/availability” section of the scoring sheet, is the intention here to attach project-based vouchers directly to units that already have tenants in place, or would the vouchers begin with the next resident in the unit?

    If properties choose to receive points for leasing in place, we would determine eligibility of the existing tenants. If properties choose to receive points for immediate availability, the vouchers would begin with the first resident in the unit. 

  • Related to the above, if for instance a resident’s income qualifies him or her at 50% of AMI, but they are currently renting a unit at 60% of AMI, is this unit still eligible for PBV’s?

    Yes. DCA’s PBV program eligibility is determined by tenant income limits not by LIHTC unit limits. 

  • Does DCA have a specific tool in mind for screening minority concentration statistics? Is the HUD-provided link acceptable?
  • We are applying for 3 projects. If all of the properties are LIHTC family properties, are separate applications required?

    If buildings are located on the same site, only one application is required. If properties are located across multiple locations, separate applications are required for each individual property. 

  • Are we required to maintain our own on-site waitlist, or can we elect to have DCA manage the waitlist as we have for previous projects?

    DCA now requires that properties under PBV HAP operate their own waitlist. DCA does not plan to use the DCA PBV waitlist for new HAP contracts. 

  • Do the service provider MOUs need to be fully executed, or can we submit our draft MOUs for this application?

    Draft is fine for application but will need to be fully executed before AHAP. 

  • Regarding the Rent Reasonableness/Rent Comparison Study form in Appendix C, specifically for our new construction project, do we need to actually sign them? Or are we just filling them out based on what we plan to do?

    Complete them based on the plans for the development. If the property is selected, the reasonableness study is initially conducted to set a baseline, but finally HAP rents are not decided until after construction/rehab is complete when the team will conduct another rent reasonableness study based on comparable market units at that time. 

  • Regarding acq/rehab projects, do we need to sign the Appendix C forms or just fill them out based on what currently exists at the property?

    Complete them based off of what is planned for the development if awarded tax credits and PBVs; do not complete them based off the existing property but based off the updated plans for the site.